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Making Shift Happen (Change we can believe in and how to make it happen)

Change is never simple and the more systemic the change and more entrenched the existing position, the more challenge it involves.

But there are some key levers , not only to enable change, but to sustain it.

We’ll assume you already have a purpose, objective or hypothesis of what you want to change.

First there is data (which becomes information, then knowledge). You need data to reinforce your point and provide evidence why something is both needed (and ideally, also possible).

Second, there is message. You need to craft the message – this is what we need to do, are doing, expect of you, this is the difference and why you should care. It tackles both the ‘emotional’ aspect of change (rational data never works on its own – you need to make people (yes, actual individuals) care) and the clear path of what you do, the signposting.

Thirdly, there is the persistence to make change happen. Leadership and drive. Building the coalition of support, encouraging behaviours and actions, enabling, sometimes enforcing, but always leading and coaching and supporting. Change doesn’t just happen because everyone looked like they agreed with it. It requires a bit of gritted teeth and a lot of energy and enabling changes to environment so barriers are overcome not stopped at. This is where most change efforts fail. The successful ones keep plugging away.

Finally, there is accountability. Again this requires leadership and persistence, reiteration of the message, pointing to the data and the purpose. You, yes you, need to hold others accountable to ensure it works. It’s the final missing link in change (often because the persistence to make it happen has been exhausted) but it’s the most crucial of all. Without it, lots of good intentions unravel.

Purpose - Data – Message – Persistence – Accountability

So before you start, think about whether or not you’re willing to see it through. If you’re not (and no one else is), maybe don’t bother trying in the first place?


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