Book club recommendations
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 1:50PM
Dr Simon Davey

If you're stuck inside or have a bit more alone time on your hands, you might have to invest some more time in reading and learning. Here are our top 20ish recommendations to see through the next few weeks and months. I read all of them cover to cover and they've all had an impact on me. They might be useful for the time ahead and they're all available on Kindle:

  1. Switch by Chip and Dan Heath - excellent book on change and simple models for getting complex things done.
  2. Dare to Lead by Brene Brown - how to be brave (and real) when you need to lead. The art and science of vulnerability in leadership.
  3. Fast Times by McKinsey - business oriented but gets to the heart of transformation and digital with clear principles and no BS.
  4. Range by David Epstein - how generalists triumph in a specialised world. Why your general skills and breadth might be more important than specialisms.
  5. Hello World by Hannah Fry - how to be human in the age of the machine. Excellent intro to the benefits and challenges of algorithms and data.
  6. Pre-suasion by Robert Cialdini - how to influence and persuade and some of it is counter intuitive but really works.
  7. Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath - grounded ideas and examples about how to make better decisions and why that matters.
  8. Pig Wrestling by Pete Lindsay - interesting parable led story on problem solving and creating change
  9. The Startup Way by Eric Ries - lean and innovation explained and done properly. Debunks myths about making it up as you go along and offers great examples about why it works and doesn’t. 
  10. Level Up Your PMO by Lisa Nash - how to make your projects work together and the value of coordinating project management 
  11. Radical Candor by Kim Scott - why it helps to be honest (in a respectful way) and the advantages of not ducking important conversations 
  12. How to Have a Good Day by Caroline Webb - harnessing the power of behavioural science, practically, to be more effective, happier and less worn out
  13. Ethicability by Roger Steare - how to decide what’s right and find the courage to do it. Short and incredibly powerful.
  14. The Small Big by Steve Martin - great tips on how small changes can cause big wins and disproportionate influence 
  15. How We Learn by Benedict Carey - how to be a more effective learner ( and trainer, teacher)
  16. Happiness by Design - if you’re feeling a bit stuck, this offers tips (and strategies) for becoming happier. Design thinking meets strategy and happiness.
  17. Thanks for the Feedback by Douglas Stone - if only they taught this stuff in schools. How to give and receive feedback so it works effectively and how to manage when it doesn’t. Should be required reading for all leaders.
  18. Brick by Brick by David Robertson - how Lego saved themselves from catastrophe and rewrote the rules of innovation 
  19. Playing to Win by AG Lafley - excellent strategic model and how strategy really works.
  20. I Had a Black Dog by Matthew Johnstone - if you experience the black dog, this might help.
  21. Your Brain at Work by David Rock - why you do what you do and how to improve your impact.
  22. The Power of Habit - game changing book on habit formation and breaking in three simple steps.
  23. Start With Why by Simon Sinek - how to lead and where to start. Don’t do strategy without it.
Article originally appeared on Dr Simon Davey - Strategy, Technology, Data and Change (
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